The Four Secrets of Successful Color

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  1. Relationships


Just like humans, the relationships colors have with each other changes how we experience them. How we combine colors determines how we see them and how they affect us. That is why all of the other colors and materials in your room, or on your exterior, are important to me when creating distinctive, up-to-date color schemes. From subtle light neutrals to bold color statements, once we know the feeling and style you want to create, we expertly select the perfect balance of colors that brings your interior or exterior alive in the way that you want.

2. Light


Color and lighting have an inseparable relationship. Daylight and time of day, as well as the color of the interior lights dramatically affects how we perceive reflective color, such as paint and fabric. That is why my expertise in lighting is essential when selecting beautiful color palettes that bring you joy, day and night. I may suggest changes in your lighting that will improve your experience. Lighting is the most fundamental design element of all as it makes everything, especially color come to life.

3. Architecture


Expert use of color solves problems. It can unify competing design elements. It can enhance desirable architectural features, as well as de-emphacsize undesirable elements. And it can create the perception of architectural interest and dimension where there is none. It is amazing to watch a structure during construction transform as the interior walls, or exterior glazing is applied. These materials and textures make a building beautiful, and color works in the same way when it is expertly specified.

4. What you don’t know can hurt


As a seasoned professional my color expertise helps you make the most of your budget, achieve beautiful results and avoid costly mistakes. My services are flexible to accommodate you, from just consultation to taking care of everthing for the project. Reach out to me directly with your questions or to schedule a color consultation through the CONTACT page on this site.